Murphy\’s Bye-Laws

Law #4: Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it. –H.D. Thoreau

Archive for October 24th, 2006

Voting Wastes More Than Just Time

Posted by PintofStout on October 24, 2006

Burning moneyAs the election draws near and our eyes and ears are bleeding and aching from the constant strain of processing so much bullshit, let us take this time to stick our head out of the dung heap we find ourselves buried in and take a good look around. What is really happening here? Are there really benevolent citizens prostrating themselves before the rest of the populace and asking to humbly serve them? The humble servants and humble hopefuls spend a disgusting amount of money trying to convince you of just that, to the tune of almost $1 Billion (with a b) so far (source:[edited to add: projects the total to end up around $2.6 Billion (found the link at Hit&Run)] – and that is just the congressional races! Why spend that much treasure for a thankless servant’s job with long hours while sometimes living several thousand miles away from family (unless, of course, you just move closer, making the concept of geographical representation an even bigger joke)? Read the rest of this entry »

Posted in Blogfood, Philosophy & Politics, Voting | 4 Comments »