Murphy\’s Bye-Laws

Law #4: Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it. –H.D. Thoreau

Archive for December 30th, 2006

Most Clichéd Year-End Summaries (The Best of 2006)

Posted by PintofStout on December 30, 2006

Another year is coming to a close and the bombardment of the television-viewing public with lists has been in full swing since after Thanksgiving. Just like the holiday shopping season, the year-end review show season starts earlier and earlier. There are reviews of the people who died and babies of famous people who were born; reviews of celebrity relationships that ended and of famous people who slept with other famous people, especially if it was filmed; reviews of news events involving famous celebrities; and reviews of the stupidity of government, a.k.a. “other” news. So there are reviews about nothing important basically.

I’m too tired to actually rehash the worthless trash the title suggests, so I’ll just rehash what I did this year. If this has no interest to you, the reader, I’m sorry.


So this year I swore off resolutions for New Year’s, expanded the deck on my house, added a driveway, was linked on Strike The Root dot com ( a few times, thanks Lightning), blogged quite a bit, learned quite a bit, fell deeper in love with my wife, appreciated the little things more, worried less about things over which I have no control, and had big ideas I didn’t act on (nobody said these were all positive). What did you do this year? Share it with us in the comments.


To the famous, dead, screwed, separated, and stupid celebrities I apologize for not shining the limelight upon you once again.

Posted in Blogfood, Introspection, Philosophy & Politics, Retarded Hyperbole, Reviews | 1 Comment »